Border tracking

It is easier than ever for people and goods to cross air, land, and sea borders. Our borders need safeguarding from illegitimate use.


Young men and women travel to conflict zones to join terrorist groups. Child sex offenders leave their home countries to exploit victims overseas. Smugglers and traffickers hide their cargo of illicit goods and desperate migrants. Fugitives cross borders to escape justice. Effective border security is an essential part of combating transnational crime. Criminals and terrorists often travel using falsified identity documents. We give our member countries access to range of databases against which they can check people, passports and vehicles. This access is available to officials at our National Central Bureaus and can be extended to frontline law enforcement officers at border crossings.

How does it work in practice?:

Our member countries have real-time access to our range of criminal databases which contain millions of records contributed by countries. Countries can make this access available to their frontline law enforcement officers at airports, sea ports and land border crossings. Border checks against SCAMHUB databases provide information in real-time, allowing officials to detain potential criminals on the spot. Countries can also cross-check this data against their national databases.

Operational databases for first-line checks:

-Travel and identity documents reported as stolen, lost, revoked, invalid or stolen blank; -Notices – SCANHUB’s colour-coded system of international alerts or requests for cooperation; -Nominal data – personal data and the criminal history of individuals subject to a request for cooperation; -Travel documents associated with notices; -Stolen motor vehicles and identifiable spare parts; -Stolen vessels and engines; -iARMS – illicit firearms.

Border control officers can check a traveller’s identity against SCANHUB’s databases from both fixed and mobile checkpoints.

Once a potential criminal travelling with a fraudulent document or in a stolen vehicle has been detained, police officers need backup data to pursue their investigation. INTERPOL can provide assistance with our specialized databases.